While there are many great examples of questionable, poor or sensational media coverage to draw from today, I am instead going to focus on an event that is not getting any media coverage at all. That event would be today's Hunter College Commencement Exercises at Radio City Music Hall, a ceremony in which I will be sporting a grape-hued gown and mortar board alongside 3,000 of my closest friends.
My college journey began in September, 1994 and now it's over. It really went by fast.
Just kidding.
When it comes to graduations it is very difficult to use phrases that are not cliche. But I really do believe that everything happens for a reason. Just think: if I had graduated from Providence College in 1998 this blog would have never existed. Hard to imagine, right?
Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis will be the speaker, so I will let you know how that goes. It's a very happy day, in any case.