Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Bristol's Baby Blues?

The Palin family has obviously had a contentious relationship with the media, which makes me wonder why Bristol would willingly subject herself to said media. She is now the ambassador for teen pregnancy for the Candie's Foundation.  I'm just not clear on how she can be a spokesperson for abstinence, considering she has a baby. Still I give her credit for trying to use the fame thrust upon her to talk about the perils of teen pregnancy, but then I watch these interviews and wonder, is she?

I'm not saying Miss Palin is an easy interview, but come on Chris Cuomo. I think the Candie's Foundation , whose mission is "to educate America's youth about the devastating consequences of teen pregnancy" (italics mine) may need to help her with her message. Or perhaps, Mr Cuomo needs to work on his interviewing skills.

If you think that was awkward, press play:
At least Matt Lauer tried. Does he look like a bully ? Is her dad there for protection? Is asking about Levi too personal? Does Miss Palin realize she is on TV talking about one of the most 'personal' subjects possible? Maybe she just really dislikes Matt Lauer.  She stares at her sleeping baby for most of the interview.


Unknown said...

I agree that this is completely weird. Bristol admits it herself in the interview - that she is giving people advice that she herself didn't follow. Her dad says some dumb things - like how hard it is for Bristol to hang out with her friends. Should he be more concerned about her finishing high school? It was like they couldn't get their story straight about whether the baby was a "blessing" or a "mistake." It didn't help that there were so many shots of the baby's cute sleeping face. Who doesn't melt when they see a peaceful sleeping baby?

JohnE said...

Did Matt really do a good job? I don't think he looked like a bully at all. I think he is too afraid of any backlash from Palin Nation to ask hard questions. He fed her the answers to his soft questions. Does he wake up everyday and say I can't believe this is my job?

ELE said...

I'm not suggesting anyone ask a 17-year-old girl hardball questions. She's not an elected official nor does she want to be. I doubt she wants to be in the spotlight at all. I just don't understand what her mom whoever put her up to this was thinking...well, that's not true, I might know. It's 4 numbers. The first one is 2 and the last one is 2.

As for Matt, I definitely know one day he was banging himself on the head: when he interviewed a woman who watched her house being burglarized on a webcam. Or, the woman who was struck by a car after being chased for miles by a bear. It might be a tie.

Anonymous said...

Bristol looked so uncomfortable. Why is she being made to do this? I think Matt did his best, b/c how can you really go after a teenager with her dad hovering over?

What gets me is the lack of real discussion about contraception. Demonizing sex isn't the answer! What's wrong w/ sex? And how about supporting teens w/ the idea of loving yourself? How bout parents and adult mentors giving teens what they need to FEEL loved and cared for so they don't want to have sex at a really early age, or w/ multiple partners, or have a baby to undo their pain...

Jill RR

Nicole Falcone said...

Do you think this will help Sarah for the next election?

Unknown said...

The Palin's make me so uncomfortable on so many levels. Ultimately, I really don't understand why Bristol is doing this press tour. Money? Publicity? Uggh, the whole thing makes me want to take a shower.

ELE said...

Nicole-I am fairly certain it is a political calculation on the part of the Palins. See my previous comment. Bristol is a reluctant role model to say the least.